Friday, December 25, 2009

Ross puts Ethan to sleep

Ross puts Ethan to sleep at Aunt Bev and Uncle Andy's Xmas night party. All Kim's boys are so good with Ethan and Emma.


Ethan and Emma on Xmas morning

Here's Ethan and Emma at Uncle Fred and Aunt Polli's house. Can you tell they were having a ball




Thursday, December 24, 2009

Emma tries on Grandma's colander

All the toys and we still like kitchen implements best.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Rogers visit

My cousin Karen and her 3 kids came by for a visit and Emma and Ethan had a ball. Hannah, CJ and Halle were pushing them around on their walk and ride cars and Ethan and Emma were in heaven. Ethan would giggle and giggle when CJ spun him around. Emma would pose like she was the Queen of Sheeba when pushed and then cry as soon as they would stop pushing her. Ethan got fussy when they stopped to leave and so I placed him on my shoulders and within 30 seconds was sound asleep.

Thanks again for dropping by.

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Can I come play in the snow?

Ethan EAS wanting to come work with Daddy to clear the snow and fill
the bird feeder.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Well at least they are happy!

The one who has to clean up the mess and is not so happy is taking the picture :-)


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ethans' first haircut

We took Ethan to a place that specializes in kids haircuts for his first one because we thought he would hate it since he got really upset several months ago when I trimmed around his ears with the clippers. It turned out to be the right thing to do. He was a perfect little man and watched a Elmo video and sat right up in the chair. He looks so handsome with his big boy hair cut. Here's some pictures.

At first he could not decide what to think of it


Then he was like maybe this isn't so bad. I have Mommy, Daddy and the stylist's complete attention


Wow this is pretty cool after all. Want to go on a date on my motorboat. This is what it sounds like


Hey what happened to all my hair?


And Emma had to make sure she was not outdone even though it will be quite some time before she needs a haircut.

I think she is thinking wow, it's a magic chair you sit on it and all your hair comes out just like Daddy's!


Monday, December 14, 2009

Ethan wearing Grandpa G's hat

Ethan decided he wanted to try on Grandpa G's hat when they were in this week. Thanks to Mom, Carl and Aunt Ruthie for watching the munchkins on Sunday night so that I could take Nanc to see Shinedown at the House of Blues.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mommy gets home from work

Dad is dog meat once Mommy comes home they make a bee line to her.

Can you say "Flushed"?

Was brushing my teeth when I heard the toilet flush and found Little Man flushing the toliet. Now if we could just get him to use it first. I love the "Oops I'm busted" expression on his cute little face.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Emma making a mess at lunch

Message from Dad:

Click on a video below to watch it:

Video 1 (trimmed)
Video Length 0:22
Click here to watch

Flip Video

To learn more about the Flip Video Camcorder, click here.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Emma and Ethan visit Santa at City-Limits Harley-Davidson

Emma was non-plussed, but Ethan was not amused. Hope he doesn't get coal in his stocking. Luckily the pictures at the professional photographers much better Friday.


Monday, November 30, 2009

The box is always the favorite present

We bought a little toy organizer for Emma and Ethan on Black Friday and they think the box is the best present ever. Ethan crawls on top of it and bangs on it to make noise and Emma pushes it around using it as a walker. It's all over the family room, breakfast nook and kitchen. Toy organizer $29.97. Watching all the fun they have with the box...priceless.


What do you mean i'm not supposed to be on the box

As usual the box is the best present.
Ethan and Emma have been playing around and pushing the box all
weekend and now Ethan crawls on top of it and gets back down on his own.

I played too hard

One minute I was playing and the next minute I'm out like a light!

Emma rakes her first steps with her walker bus

Just before this she walked the length of the coach. She had a few
steering issues this time when the camera was out.

Ethan takes a few steps with his walker

Of course we could not capture his walking the length of the couch
like yesterday.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

I didn't do it, and you can't prove I did!

Everyday brings new abilities to the twins. Some cute, some helpful and some not so helpful. As Mommy was decorating the tree on the deck. Emma decided to take out the recycling her way.


Can we help Mom? Can we? Can We? PLEASE!!!!

It was too cute. Ethan and Emma were so interested in what Mommy was doing as she placed the lights on the outdoor tree. IMG_2177.jpg

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Emma in Grandma G's Baptism Dress

Here's Emma in her Grandma G's Baptism Dress. She looks much better in it than the pic of me in it as a baby.

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Why does Ethan get to drive?

Why don't I get to drive, says Emma.


Ethan starts climbing the stairs

Ethan started climbing the stairs today. Seems only yesterday we brought him home. Time flys.



Friday, November 20, 2009

Wake up brother!

We just back from getting the twins their H1N1 shots and Ethan was sleeping so i left him in his car seat and took Emma out of her car seat. Next thing I know she has crawled over and woke him up to play.


I got it!

I finally got it! I grabbed the arm of the swing

Look who came for breakfast

Was feeding Emma (or should I say trying to feed Emma breakfast) and
heard Ethan approaching from behind. When j turned to say hello I
couldn't see him. Then I heard a laugh from under table. There was
Ethan standing on the chair. He posed for pictures and themtoy
amazement figured out how to get back down and we t back off to play.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ethan helps Grandma do the dishes

Ethan decided to help GrandmA with the dishes at her house.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Ethan stands in his playpen for the first time

It was so nice out today that we put Ethan and Emma out on the deck in
their playpens while we did yardwork. Ethan figured out how to stand
up so he could get a better view of the action.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Emma crawling and standing up

Well Emma is the first to really crawl on all fours. She loves to
stand up too as you will see at the end of this video.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Who pantsed me?

Actually I pantsed myself. I was feeding Emma and looked over to see
Little Man had his pants down below his butt. All I can figure out is
he stood on the end of the legs since they are long and as he bounced
up and down they came down. 30 seconds after the photo he had them all
the way off and his hands never left the table. Hope
He doesn't become a Chippendales dancer :-)