Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Emma at the library listening station

We were at the library for my Stay At Home Dads group and Emma crawled up in the chair and put the headphones on by herself. Looked so cute in those big headphones.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Emma and Ethan playing outside in PJ's

Ethan always wants to play outside when he gets up and we are making breakfast. Today Emma joined him. They seem oblivious to the cold temps, just makes it a little easier to get them to come in when it's time.

Got to love the fashion statement.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Emma and Ethan go horseback riding and take along their friend Priya

We were headed out to the local Park District Stables when the neighbor girl Priya that likes to play with Emma and Ethan came over, so we checked with her Mom and took her along. All three had a great time riding "Baby" the miniature horse.Here's some pics.IMG 2085

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