Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Emma strikes a pose.

Emma is becoming quite the fashionista. If she does not like what I put on her she goes to the laundty and finds something she likes better and places it over her head. Here she shows the two sides of her personality. First the "I'm in charge don't mess with me" pose and then the "Who me, I am a angel" look.

She has also started to insist on changing shoes multiple times a day, as well as insisting on having them taken on and off over and over.

I think I am in trouble ........



Mommy quit stealing our Rock 'n Ride

Mommy tried to steal Ethan and Emma's Rock 'n Ride but did not get away with it. Maybe we should be project torture testers for them?


No I don't eat this neat

Emma was cleaned up after dinner and wanted her picture taken after I took the "Ethan's goatee" pictureIMG_0935.JPG

I have a goatee too Daddy

Ethan did his best imitation of daddy's Goatee with his fudgesicle.


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Emma and Ethan release their butterfly

Ethan and Emma got a butterfly chrysalis as a gift from their Aunt Kathy over 4th of July and Sunday it turned into a beautiful butterfly. Here's some pictures of them and Nanc releasing it into one of our flowerbeds.




Sunday, July 4, 2010

Ethan and Grandma at Angelo's Pizza on 4th of July

We went to eat at the Candle Light on the 4th of July but they were closed so we went to Angelo's for pizza instead. Here's some cute pics of Ethan playing with Grandma after dinner.




Can we go biking too?

Emma and Ethan wanted to put on Mommy and Daddy's biking shoes and go biking too.




Saturday, July 3, 2010

Aren't you a little too old to be riding in the wagon Mommy

We were at the Anderson picnic after the parade and Nanc decided to hop in the wagon for a quick spin as I pulled her and Emma around for a bit. They tried to get Ethan to come along, but he could recognize a disaster waiting to happen and opted out.
