Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Ethan and Emma are loving the nice weather


Ethan and Emma are having a great time being outside with the weather being so nice. I made gates for the deck so they can run around on it and be safe. Here they are riding their Rock-n-Rides on it. Today they spent hours outside between playing on the deck, taking a ride in the bike trailer and going for a walk with Mommy after woek while I made dinner and they still were made when they had to come in.

Emma undresses herself while taking her nap


I came up to open the door and make sure I heard Emma when she woke up from her nap and she was still sleeping but had removed her socks and thrown them out of her playpen and also managed to unzip her sweatshirt and pull it completely off.
Here's a picture of her after she woke up. Now if I could just teach her to dress herself!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ethan and Emma at the Stay At Home Dad's playdate

Here's Ethan and Emma on the teeter totter at the SAHD's first outside playdate for 2010. It was a cool 4 person teeter totter.
It turns out Ethan and Emma are harder to watch at the playground than I had thought. They keep going off in different directions and eating all the mulch. Ethan went so far as lapping up the water that collects at the bottom of the slide. Both of them kept walking in front of the swings when people were swinging. Good news is they had a great time and were mad when we had to leave.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Jim entertains all the kids at Logan's birthday party.


Uncle Jim entertained all the kids in attendance at Ethan and Emma's cousin Logan's 2nd birthday party. He had them all on the flatbed and they were loving it.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Emma and Ethan go to the park with Grandma and Grandpa G

Emma and Ethan went to the park for the first time ever with Grandma and Grandpa G.

Here’s Grandma walking them to the park


Ethan and Emma both love the swings.


Emma really loved being pushed on the swings by Grandpa


Carl did a great job of pushing Ethan and Emma in the swings.


Mom even got in on the swing action. Not bad for a 85 year old!


Ethan learned how to rock and make the spring motorcycle go


Here’s Mom getting Emma ready to go down the slide. Both Ethan and Emma both wanted to go down at the same time. It was great having help at the park. When I go alone it is challenging keeping track of both of them at the same time and keeping them safe from eating the mulch, etc.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Grandma G reads to Ethan and Emma

Here's Grandma G reading to Ethan and Emma on her visit in this week.


Grandpa G feeds Ethan icecream

Grandpa and Grandma G were in for a visit and Ethan and Emma got Grandpa to share his icecream.


Friday, March 19, 2010

The Rogers' come by for a fun visit

Karen, Hannah, CJ and Halle came by for a visit since they were out of town for Ethan and Emma's birthday party. As usual Ethan and Emma had a ball with them. They played outside on the deck and the backyard now that we have the fence installed. Then when it got cold they came in to play with the Rock 'n Rides.

The Rogers' push Ethan and Emma on their Rock-n-Rolls - 2

Here's Ethan doing a wheely as he get's pushed by Hannah and Halle

The Rogers' push Ethan and Emma on their Rock-n-Rolls - 3

...and not to be outdone by her brother here's Emma doing a wheely as CJ pushes her. Daddy and Uncle Fred are so proud of them.

I've had enough, that's all I am eating Dad!

That's enough Dad I'm full
Ethan decided he had enough breakfast and demanded I stop. Got to love all the eggs in the hair and yes they were fun to get out. Teaching them to eat on their own is "fun".

Emma smiling at breakfast - 2

Emma had to get in the act to with the eggs in the hair.

Wake up time is one-on-one time

Just took this shot from my iPhone of Little Man and am posting from
the iPhone as well.
This photo is just as he hit the floor after sliding off our bed. One-
on-one time is rare with twins and I love that he usually wakes up
before Emma and we play on out bed for 5-10 minutes before he gets
down to explore (exploring may mean unrolling all the toilet paper or
unscrewing the knobs on the vanity, but what the heck). I just love
laying on the bed giving him tickle kisses and asking him questions
that get no reply apart from him flashing that million dollar smile of
his to me. All to soon though he has had enough and is down on the
floor and the days race has begun.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Emma and Ethan love playing on the patio

Here's a few pics of Ethan and Emma playing on the patio.
Ethan on his slide on the deck - 2
Here's Ethan on the slide

Emma on her slide - 2
And here's Emma taking her first time down the slide.

Ethan playing with the firepit - 3
Ethan was too funny, he kept licking the screen of the firepit.

Emma and Ethan go for their first bike ride

Well I finally got to take Ethan and Emma on a bike ride, I would like to say they loved it, but they tolerated it would be more accurate,
Emma kept pulling her helmet off and Ethan was not pleased with the bumps when trying to sleep. They'll get used to it. They have to, it's not negotiable in our family. ☺

Emma and Ethan's First Bike Ride - 5

Monday, March 15, 2010

Ethan and Emma take a walk around the cul-de-sac

Oh the life of a Mom of twins. Just a simple walk takes on complexity as each wants to go their own way. At the end Ethan decides to strike out on his own. It's fun though, they laugh when they walk because they are so excited to be out and able to control where they go. It's pretty cool.

Ethan takes a walk around the cul-de-sac

Here's a shot of Ethan trucking around the cul-de-sac.
Boy Little Man can cruise now. He is so happy when he is outside, listen to him babble.

Ethan takes a walk around the cul-de-sac

Here's a shot of Ethan trucking around the cul-de-sac.
Boy Little Man can cruise now. He is so happy when he is outside, listen to him babble.

Movie of Ethan and Emma on the swings at the park

I love the smiles on their little faces.

Ethan and Emma go to the park for the first time in 2010

Took Ethan and Emma out to the park for the first time today. Even though it was cold they had a great time and didn’t want to leave.
Here's some pics of them on the swings.

Ethan and Emma on the swings at the parkEthan on the swings at the park for the first time in 2010Emma on the swings for the first time in 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Emma returns to the scene of the crime

Emma and Ethan on a walk to the grocery store. We just located the sippy cup that she tossed out on the way back several days ago. Unfortunately it was smashed, so recovery was not a option, at least it was a cheap disposable one.

Notice Emma manages to get Ethan's sippy cup too and has both sippy cups.



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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Emma gets into Daddy's Beer in the fridge

Well at least she picked a good beer. Ethan and Emma are always sneaking things off the lower shelves of the fridge when we go into it. Usually it's the mustard bottle, today it was a 312 beer. Emma gets Daddy's Beer out of the fridge - 2

Emma gets Daddy's Beer out of the fridge - 1

Ethan and Emma visit the Kohls Kids Museum

We took Ethan and Emma to this kids Museum today and they had a great time. It will be somewhere we visit once or twice a year.

Ethan on the stage at the Kohls Childrens MuseumEthan and Emma peeking out of a tree at the Kohls Childrens Museum - 3Ethan steers the boat at the Kohls Childrens MuseumChildrens Museum - 2Emma at the Why does Ethan get to driveEthan playing at the Kohls Childrens Museum

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Blog has a new look

Mom don't panic! You are still at the right place for Emma and Ethan's Blog. Blogger that hosts the blog has provided a upgrade that allows for more customization.
Hope everyone likes the new look.
Also I finally found a easy way to post videos so get you can get a closer look at what they are doing.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ethan vacuums

Ethan vacuums, originally uploaded by Bikeman2005.

Little Man loves to play with the vacuum.
Now if he would only want to do this when he is old enough to really accomplish some cleaning :-)

Ethan and Emma sharing Mommy's Fudgesicle

VID00171, originally uploaded by Bikeman2005.

Here's a video of Ethan and Emma sharing Mommy's Fudgesicle. Listen for Ethan smacking his lips, it's too cute.

Emma and Ethan playing with Mommy's long scarf

Emma got a hold of Nancy’s scarf and started running around with it trailing behind and Ethan thought it was hilarious to chase it. Of course when the camera came out they didn’t do it quite as well, but this still captures the essence.

Monday, March 8, 2010

First playtime outside in 2010 - Saturday March 6th.

It was finally nice enough to let Ethan and Emma outside for playtime and they had a great time. The cool helmets are from Aunt Linda and Uncle Jim. Lucky we had them on as Ethan decided to take a spill off the side of his Rock ,n Ride. Not to be outdone Emma got away from Nanc and ran down the drive only to fall and skid on her chin. After this we went on a wagon ride for about 45 minutes. I will post the pic from it separately






Sunday, March 7, 2010

Mommy plays with Ethan and Emma in the wagon's box

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Both Ethan and Emma have been giving kisses to all their dolls, plush animals and every character in their books this past week. It’s so cute.


