Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Playing with the new sprinkler hose

Got a sprinkler hose fro $11 at Target and Ethan and Emma are loving it with the hot weather. We had to finally insist they come get dried off, Ethan's lips were quivering he was so cold and yet he was mad he had to stop.IMG_0615.JPGIMG_0617.JPG

What a mess!!!

Letting Ethan and Emma eat on their own will be the death of me yet. And no the spaghetti sauce orange stain does not come all the way off and stains the skin till the next day. :-)

At least they are eating. I think they will win the food fight at school, no problem!


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Emma's First Haircut

Well it was finally time, we could wait no longer. Something must be done about Emma's hair. It is growing in slower than Ethan's so we kept waiting. So without ado here is Emma getting her haircut. She was a trooper, just as Ethan was for his first haircut.




Monday, May 24, 2010

Ethan and Emma help water the plants

We just got back from getting Emma's first haircut and Ethan's third haircut and they had to help Mommy water the plants. Ethan thinks dirt is the fourth food group. Guess it would be the foundation of the food pyramid?IMG_0604.JPGIMG_0606.JPGIMG_0608.JPGIMG_0609.JPG

You are so funny Dad!


I was having some fun with Ethan and Emma and doing things to make them laugh.

I had a very sympathetic audience.

Grandma G's cookies make a mess

Grandma and Grandpa G & Great Aunt Ruthie came in for a visit. Ethan and Emma had a great time with them. Here's Ethan and Emma after enjoying the cookies Grandma brought them. We had just dressed them after bath and had practically re-bath and re-dress them they were such a mess, but they were loving it as you can see from the pics.




Friday, May 21, 2010

Ethan in the cupboard


The cupboard has become one of Ethan and Emma's favorite places to play and hide in. They love to crawl in there. Emma even closes the door and then opens it a inch or two to play peek-a-boo. It's amazing they are not afraid of the dark at all.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Mess (Meal?) Time

Some times you wonder if any food gets in them. At least they were having funIMG_0579.JPGIMG_0580.JPGIMG_0584.JPGIMG_0581.JPG

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

We babysit for the first time

A fellow dad from the Stay At Home Dad's (SAHD's) group I belong to was in a pickle for a sitter and had just started a new part-time work gig, so we jumped in and helped. I had Ethan and Emma, plus a 14 month old and a 3-1/2 year old for a hour and a half till Nanc came home and then we babysat together the rest of the evening. It was fun to see how much Emma and Ellie were as they are the same age. Both loved running and jumping on me if I laid on the floor. It was also really fun to see what they will be like as they get older, by watching Ethan the 3-1/2 year old.

I had to call my Ethan "little Ethan" and the visiting Ethan "big Ethan" or total confusion ensued for them. It was a fun, but exhausting experience. I don't know how those with 4 or more kids handle it. Of course most would not have 3 kids just over 1 year old in the mix. Here's some pics from the night.


It's my chair, no it's my chair

