Friday, August 30, 2013

Ethan takes one for the team

Poor Ethan is enduring his third Friday in a row with 30 girls seeing a princess each week. This week it's Merida from Brave.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Ethan and Emma's first day of preschool was today

They both said they had a fun first day of pre-school with their new teachers.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Ethan's funny comment for the week

Ethan and Emma tore part the foam floor puzzle of alphabet letters and tossed them all over. As mommy was making them put them back (as Daddy doesn't allow them to play this "game") they looked everywhere but could not find the letter T. After looking and mommy asking "where could that letter T be" Ethan says "Well mommy they can't just get up and walk away you know!"

Emma got a big splinter in her foot today

We really had a hard time getting it out. Mommy, Daddy and Aunt Linda had to work together to hold Emma still. As we were digging into her big toe with a needle very deeply Emma screams the following:
"If you stop what you're doing I'll stop crying"

and my favorite 
"I'm not telling you next time I get a boo boo!"

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Ethan and Emma visit Brookfield Zoo with their friends

Ethan and Emma went to the zoo with four of their friends and had a great time.

Location:Brookfield Zoo