Thursday, December 16, 2010

Emma in Daddy's Harley stocking cap

Emma wanted to wear my hat when we returned from a walk to the store and I must say she looks much cuter in it than I do.


I leave them alone with Mommy for 30 seconds and this is what I get

Heard Nanc saying stop that and returned to find this happening. Best part is she let him continue to do it. Who's in charge I ask!

A shampooing in the sink followed this.IMG_1891.JPG


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ethan and Emma help with fall clean-up

This is some time ago, as things have been crazy. We have been passing colds around for weeks and then it appears I got the Nova virus that was going around so I am attempting to catch up on posts.

Here are some more pics of Ethan and Emma helpng with the fall cleanup at the beginning of November. They love being our little helpers.



Emma helps Mommy with the leaves

I had to go get Emma a little lawn bag of her own to help Mommy. Till then she just kept taking the leaves back out and making piles. I use the term leaves loosely. They are more like needles or ferns from out Bald Cypress tree.


Emma loves Mommy

Ethan and Emma want nothing to do with Daddy today, only Mommy will do.



Saturday, November 6, 2010

Emma is really getting into pretend play

Emma is really getting into pretend play since Halloween.

First I told her not to touch the walls on Halloween because she had sticky hands while she was eating a sucker. Then she disappeared and I saw her open a drawer in the kitchen and disappear. I found her at the top of the stairs wiping the wall with a washcloth.

Then in a few days I found her wiping her play kitchen with a washcloth she had gotten out of the laundry basket.

Today she made Nanc give her a plush dog and then went and got her blanket and wrapped him up i it.

It's pretty cool seeing her start to imitate us.IMG_1652.JPG

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Emma wears Mommy's shorts and purse, while Ethan "drinks" coffee like Mommy

More trying to grow up too fast. They want to imitate us and we want them to stay little!


Our future's so bright we have to wear shades

Emma and Ethan are all about wearing Mommy and Daddy's stuff lately and pretending to be us. Here they hijacked Nanc's shades and struck a pose.IMG_1537.JPGIMG_1535.JPG

Our mouths are full to the busting point and we could not be happier

Can you tell they shoved two whole graham crackers in their mouths at once. They think they won the lottery.



Emma wants Mommy's Fudgesicle

Emma and Ethan now feed themselves Fudgesicles and Emma decided after eating most of hers that she should get to swap with Mommy. The faces she made till Nanc gave in were priceless. Here's a trio of shots from I want it, to I will pout till I get it and Wow I got it.





Monday, October 4, 2010

Ethan and Emma loved the petting zoo at the Palatine Fall Festival

Ethan and Emma loved the animals at the Fall Festival. They played with the animals, took a hayrack ride and got pumpkins to decorate. As you can see the weather was cold. Unfortunately they both got colds following this.IMG_1465.JPGIMG_1462.JPGIMG_1458.JPG

Emma loves to wear Daddy's Harley boots

Despite the fact that they weigh almost as much as she does and come to her upper legs, Emma loves to put on my huge Harley boots and shuffle around in them. We have taken to hiding them because we are afraid she is going to break her legs.IMG_1451.JPG