Sunday, August 23, 2009

We visit Aunt Liz from Pittsburgh at Nancy's Parents House

Here's Ethan with his cousin Logan - our nephew Brian's son. He wanted to touch Logan in the worst way.


Here's a great shot of Ethan showing grandma how much he loves her.


Emma loves having her grandpa hold her.


Here's grandma holding grandson Ethan and great grandson Logan.


Aunt Liz is busting a move with Logan in the back yard. We missed her sitting on the ball and bouncing. Darn the luck.


Here's Aunt Liz looking at pics of Ethan and Emma while Ethan shows how much he loves Mommy.


Emma loves getting held by her Aunt Jan.


Here's grandpa with Ethan and his great grandson Logan.


It was great to see Aunt Liz and everyone again. Have a safe trip home this coming week Aunt Liz.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ethan and Emma go to visit the neighbors from our old house

We finally got over to the old neighborhood to show off Ethan and Emma.

Here’s a pic of our next door neghbors, Angela and her super cute daughter Miranda with Emma. Thanks for the awesome homemade croissants Angela, they were delicious! Angela's husband Mark is not in the picture but was there too.


This is Arline who lived across the street from us, holding Ethan. Arline is 90 years old and going strong. She is the surrogate Mom for the neighborhood. It was great to see everyone again. Ethan is chewing on Arline's keys and the microphone for Ariine's hearing helper. Thankfully he did not scream in the microphone :-)


Friday, August 21, 2009

We love our Mommy

Just wanted to say we love our Mommy.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Stopped at Dairy Queen today

As you can see they love DQ just like Mommy (&Daddy for that matter)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I love my twin

Ethan and Emma holding hands after feeding.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Couple of recent pics and a update.

Just a couple of recent pics of the twins. They are growing so fast now.

Ethan has two teeth, and I think a third coming on the top. Mom says I got my teeth early too. Emma's are on the way, it won't be long.

Both know their names and will turn their head when it is used.

Both can now sit in the tripod position with some assistance to keep from falling backwards. A week ago they would have just fallednforward and then fussed (screamed) till we pulled them up.

Both can go for items that they want and are able to move across the floor to them. We were changing the sheets on the guest bedroom and had Emma on the floor while we did it and she moved several feet and grabbed 1 of mommy bears off a small bench, we moved her and the one bear away several feet and finished making the bed. Looked down and she was rolling around with all 3 bears.

Earlier in the weekend. I placed several items on the floor about 3 feet from Ethan and watched as he rolled/squirmed to them and then grabbed them. Time to finish childproofing the house.

I love Emma in dresses and rompers.


Here Ethan is having a ball in his ExerSaucer.


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Ethan and daddy play oom pa pa pa

Ethan was getting a little fussy, so I put him on my shoulders for the first time and carried him around and played oom pa pa pa with him. Hence my funny face. I would bob up and down to the words. It is something Nanc usually does with Ethan while she holds him.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Emma finally eats from a spoon

Nanc got Emma to eat off a spoon for the first time Saturday. This after I have been trying unsuccessfully for several weeks. I had to resort to feeding her out of the bowl like a kitten and let her lap it up. She finally did it for mommy on Saturday. I am so excited as I was wondering when she would ever learn to eat off a spoon. Much neater now.

Here she is eating off the spoon for Nanc


And here is before when she would either drool it out after the spoon came out or was lapping from the bowl like a kitty cat. You can see the difference in the mess.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Grandma and Grandpa Gustafson visit

My mom and Carl came in today for a visit and can you tell Emma and Ethan are crazy about them?

Here's Grandpa trying to get Emma to nap



Here's Ethan and Mom after she was making funny noises that Ethan thought were hysterical.



Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Like father, like son

Ethan and daddy sporting matching khaki hats. His is Pooh, mine is
from the Stay At Home Dads (SAHD) group we go to on Tuesdays to
interact with other SAHD's and kids.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Emma and Ethan laughing at Daddy hopping

We were acting out the book Barnyard Dance by Sandra Boynton and Emma
and Ethan thought it was pretty funny when I hopped like a frog over
them. Of course I'm am a bit prejudiced.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Emma thinks the coffee table leg is a great toy


It's fun to see the kids really start taking a interest in the world around them. Emma was inspecting the table leg and underside of the table like it held the secrets to the world. Got to go, Ethan turned over to his belly and is about to have a melt down. He can flip at will from back to front, but does not know how to flip from front to back again since they don't allow them to sleep on their tummy.

Look quick - It's that rarest of sitings...both Emma and Ethan sleeping at the same time :-)


Wow, they both fell asleep at the same time. That ranks right up there with total eclipses of the moon!

I will try to update the blog below with some stuff from the past week or so, if they stay asleep.


This is what full looks like


Can you say full? Ethan is up to 7 ounces of formula/breastmilk and 4 ounces of cereal several times a day.

He is now about 17 lbs.