Friday, December 5, 2008

Nanc and the twins at 24 weeks

Everything went great at the Dr.'s office this week. "Tim and Tammy Tom Toms" are doing great as well as Mom.

The big thing they look at this point is are they at the same approximate size. They want them within 20% of each others weights because the larger of the twins determines when they arrive and the smaller one can have issues if they are delivered too soon. Good news on this front as the are within 10% of each other.
The boy is 661 grams (23 ounces or 1.46 lbs.) and the girl is 595 grams (21 ounces or 1.31 lbs.). Both hear-rates are in the normal range also, so things are progressing perfectly.

Nancy is doing well also. Her blood pressure is perfect and so far no problems with pregnancy induced diabetes that some women have issues with. She is starting to feel the babies kick and move more and more. She is excited now, but the Dr. warns that by the end, she will be "Will you two settle down and let me sleep!. She has occasional heartburn and gets winded easier are her only issues. Oh, and she is starting to have issues seeing her feet :-)

The picture of the "Tammy" did not turn out well this time, but "Tommy" is sucking his thumb as usual. I hear if he keeps it up, he will have a callus on it when he is born.

Don't worry we are not naming them "Tim and Tammy Tom Toms" it is just a old joke from when we first met in college and got serious, we would laugh and say we would have twins and name them that. Never dreamed it would take so long, but it is worth the wait.

Thanks for all the kind words of support over this entire multi-year adventure. Somehow I think the REAL adventure is just starting. Good I never gave any noisy toys or got others kids wound up so there is not pay-back coming.

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