Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Emma and Ethan get their 6 month check up... and shots!

Well Ethan and Emma got their 6 month checkup and are doing great. They would have been happy if they were about a month behind developmentally since they were born 3-1/2 weeks early, but they made all the 6 month milestones and already achieved a couple of the milestones they look for at 9 months, like reacting to their name. She gave me one month to childproof the house. Ethan is already lifting his butt in the air and getting ready to do the scoot. Emma already rolls 4-6 feet when you look away for a minute.

Emma is now up to 50th percentile for height and the 30th percentile for weight. At the first month's checkup she wasn't even on the chart (don't know how you can be less than zero but she was) so she has come a long way. She has tripled her weight since birth.

Ethan is in the 75th percentile for weight and the 50th percentile for height so he is living up to his nickname of little man. If this keeps up we will be placing him on a diet, just kidding, the doctor says it's ok for now.


Here's the cute Band-Aids they give for shots now days. Each got three shots, down from five they would have gotten last year. They came out with a new combined vaccine that takes the place of 3.


Here’s Ethan with a cold compress on his head, since he got a fever from the vaccinations for the first time.

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